Home People Tatsuya Kameda

Prof. Tatsuya Kameda specializes in decision science, social psychology and behavioral ecology. He studies human social behavior from the “meta-theory of evolution and adaptation” (Kameda & Murata, 2010, Social psychology from a complex-system perspective: Humans as adaptive agents, Tokyo: Yuhikaku). He wants to understand how humans can handle the various uncertainties of the modern world collectively and fully enjoy the merits of group life (“economy of scale”). He is currently working on three projects related to these topics:

(a) Understanding the neuro-cognitive bases of “justice” and “social values”.
(b) Exploring the behavioral-cognitive algorithms that enable “collective intelligence” in human group decision-making.
(c) Understanding the various aspects of human “empathy.”

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of these topics, Prof. Kameda collaborates closely with researchers in a variety of adjacent fields, including neuroscience, economics, evolutionary biology and informatics, and is eager to incorporate new knowledge and techniques from those fields into his research.


  • 1984 Master of Arts (Graduate School of Sociology, the University of Tokyo)
  • 1989 Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Psychology)
  • 1989 Instructor (the University of Tokyo, Department of Social Psychology)
  • 1991 Assistant Professor (Toyo University, Department of Sociology)
  • 1994 Associate Professor (Hokkaido University, Department of Behavioral Science)
  • 1997.7〜1998.4 Fulbright Fellow (University of Colorado at Boulder, Northwestern University)
  • 2000 Professor (Hokkaido University, Department of Behavioral Science)
  • 2001.9 Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst Research Fellow (Max Planck Institute in Berlin, Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition)
  • 2006.10〜2014.9 Member, the Science Council of Japan
  • 2008.8〜2009.7 Residential Fellow (Stanford University, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences)
  • 2009.10〜2012.3 Director, Global Center of Excellence “Center for the Sociality of Mind” (Hokkaido University)
  • 2012 Director, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences (Hokkaido University)
  • 2014.10 Professor (The University of Tokyo, Department of Social Psychology)
  • 2014.10〜2020.9 Council member, the Science Council of Japan
  • 2020.10 Member, the Science Council of Japan
  • 2024 Professor (Meiji Gakuin University, Faculty of Mathematical Informatics)
  • 2024.6 Professor emeritus (The University of Tokyo, Hokkaido University)
  • 2024.7 Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Informatics (Meiji Gakuin University)

Curriculum Vitae

  • Curriculum Vitae: Link
  • Google Scholar Citations: Link


  • Kameda, T. (2023). Social psychology. Tokyo: KADOKAWA. Link
  • Kameda, T. (2022). The experimental social science toward solidarity: Empathy, distribution and social order. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. Link
  • Kameda, T. (2017). The origins of morality: Inquiries from the experimental social science. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. Link
  • Kameda, T. (Ed.) (2015). How “rules of society” are ruled: Experimental research on social norms. (Frontiers in experimental social sciences, Vol.6). Tokyo: Keiso-shobo. Link
  • Yamagishi, T., & Kameda, T. (Eds.) (2014). Coexistence and society. (Handbook of Cognitive Science of Communication, Vol.4). Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. Link
  • Kameda, T., & Murata, K. (2010). Social psychology from a complex-system perspective: Humans as adaptive agents. Second edition. Tokyo: Yuhikaku. Link
  • Ishiguro, H., & Kameda, T. (2010) (Eds.). Culture and practice. Tokyo: Shin-yosha. Link
  • Schaller, M., Heine, S.J., Norenzayan, A., Yamagishi, T. and Kameda, T. (Eds.) (2010). Evolution, culture, and the human mind. New York: Psychology Press. Link
  • Sayeki, Y., & Kameda, T. (2002) (Eds.). Evolutionary games and their development. Tokyo: Kyoritsu-Shuppan. Link
  • Kameda, T., & Murata, K. (2000). Social psychology from a complex-system perspective: Humans as adaptive agents. Tokyo: Yuhikaku. Link
  • Kameda, T. (1997). Toward a theory of collaborative intelligence in group decision making. Tokyo: Kyoritsu- Shuppan. Link

Selected Papers

  • ・Mori, R., Hanaki, N., & Kameda, T. (2024). An outside individual option increases optimism and facilitates collaboration when groups form flexibly. Nature Communications, 15, 5520. Link
  • Kameda, T., Toyokawa, W., & Tindale, R.S. (2022). Information aggregation and collective intelligence beyond the wisdom of crowds. Nature Reviews Psychology. doi: 10.1038/s44159-022-00054-y Link (publisher), Link (read only pdf)
  • Kuroda, K., Ogura, Y., Ogawa, A., Tamei, T., Ikeda, K., & Kameda, T. (2022). Behavioral and neuro-cognitive bases for emergence of norms and socially shared realities via dynamic interaction. Communications Biology, 5(1), 1379. Link
  • Naito, A., Katahira, K., & Kameda, T. (2022). Insights about the common generative rule underlying an information foraging task can be facilitated via collective search. Scientific Reports, 12, 8047. Link
  • Ueshima, A., Mercier, H. & Kameda, T. (2021). Social deliberation systematically shifts resource allocation decisions by focusing on the fate of the least well-off. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 92:104067. Link
  • ・Kameda, T., Inukai, K., Higuchi, S., Ogawa, A., Kim, H., Matsuda, T., & Sakagami, M. (2016). Rawlsian maximin rule operates as a common cognitive anchor in distributive justice and risky decisions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(42), 11817-11822. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1602641113. Link【Commentary Link, The 3rd Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance Best Paper Award sponsored by Financial Services Group, Commerce Company, Yahoo Japan Corporation Link
  • ・Kameda, T., Inukai, K., Wisdom, T., & Toyokawa, W. (2015). Herd behavior: Its psychological and neural underpinnings. In S. Grundmann, F. Moeslein & K. Riesenhuber (Eds.), Contract governance. (Pp. 61-71). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Download
  • ・Toyokawa, W., Kim, H., & Kameda, T. (2014). Human collective intelligence under dual exploration-exploitation dilemmas. PLoS ONE, 9(4): e95789. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095789_Link
  • ・Kameda, T., Wisdom, T., Toyowaka, W., & Inukai, K. (2012). Is consensus-seeking unique to humans? A selective review of animal group decision-making and its implications for (human) social psychology. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 15, 673-689.(713KB)Download
  • ・Kameda, T., Murata, A., Sasaki, C., Higuchi, S., & Inukai, K. (2012). Empathizing with a dissimilar other: The role of self-other distinction in sympathetic responding. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 997-1003.(413KB)Download
  • ・Van Vugt, M., & Kameda, T. (2012). Evolution and groups. In J. Levine (Ed.), Group Processes. (pp.297-332). New York: Psychology Press.(287KB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., Tsukasaki, T., Hastie, R., & Berg, N. (2011). Democracy under uncertainty: The wisdom of crowds and the free-rider problem in group decision making. Psychological Review, 118, 76-96.(511KB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., Takezawa, M., Ohtsubo, Y., & Hastie, R. (2010). Are our minds fundamentally egalitarian? Adaptive bases of different socio-cultural models about distributive justice. In M. Schaller, S. J., Heine, A. Norenzayan, T. Yamagishi, & T. Kameda (Eds.), Evolution, Culture, and the Human Mind. (pp.151-163). New York: Psychology Press.(76KB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., & Tamura, R. (2007). "To eat or not to be eaten?" Collective risk-monitoring in groups. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 168-179.(223KB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., & Tindale, R. S. (2006). Groups as adaptive devices: Human docility and group aggregation mechanisms in evolutionary context. In M. Schaller, J. Simpson, & D. Kenrick (Eds.), Evolution and Social Psychology. (pp.317-341). New York: Psychology Press.(2.60MB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., Takezawa, M., & Hastie, R. (2005). Where do social norms come from? The example of communal sharing. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14, 331-334.(87KB)Download
  • •Hastie, R., & Kameda, T. (2005). The robust beauty of majority rules in group decisions. Psychological Review, 112, 494-508.(547KB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., & Hastie, R. (2004). Building an even better conceptual foundation: Commentary on "Towards a balanced social psychology” by Krueger and Funder. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 345-346.(1KB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., & Nakanishi, D. (2003). Does social/cultural learning increase human adaptability? Rogers' question revisited. Evolution and Human Behavior, 24, 242-260.(498KB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., Takezawa, M., & Hastie, R. (2003). The logic of social sharing: An evolutionary game analysis of adaptive norm development. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 7, 2-19.(3.47MB)Download
  • •Kameda,T., Tindale, R.S., & Davis, J.H. (2003). Cognitions, preferences, and social sharedness: Past, present, and future directions in group decision making. In S.L. Schneider & J. Shanteau (Eds.), Emerging perspectives on judgment and decision research (pp.215-240). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.(2.46MB)Download
  • •Tindale, R.S., Kameda, T., & Hinsz, V. (2003). Group decision making: Review and integration. In M. A. Hogg & J. Cooper (Eds.), Sage handbook of social psychology (pp. 381-403). London: Sage.(119KB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., Takezawa, M., Tindale, R.S., & Smith, C.M. (2002). Social sharing and risk reduction: Exploring a computational algorithm for the psychology of windfall gains. Evolution and Human Behavior, 23, 11-33.(108KB)Download
  • •Kameda, T., & Nakanishi, D. (2002). Cost-benefit analysis of social/cultural learning in a non-stationary uncertain environment: An evolutionary simulation and an experiment with human subjects. Evolution and Human Behavior, 23, 373-393.(238KB)Download

Editorial Board

  • ・Psychological Review (2015-2021)
  • ・Evolution and Human Behavior (2007-2016)
  • ・Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2003-2009)
  • ・Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (1997-2014)
  • ・Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (1997-2010)