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亀田達也教授 東京大学最終講義・懇親会
2024年3月15日(本郷キャンパス・法文2号館一番大教室 & オンライン/カポ・ペリカーノ)

亀田達也教授の最終講義『実験社会科学としての社会心理学』が行われました。会場の一大に100名、オンラインに250名程の方々が参加されました。当日の記録はこちらです。最終講義録画 最終講義Photo 懇親会Photo

Asian Advanced Workshop on Social Decision Making and Collective Intelligence - 2023
2023年12月16 & 17日(NATULUCK 神保町)

社会的意思決定と集合知に関する国際ワークショップを開催しました。韓国、台湾、シンガポール、日本の先端研究者たちが2日間に渡る活発な議論を繰り広げました。プログラムと当日の写真はこちらです。Program Photo


「灘校 東京合宿」の一環として、灘校生たち (高校・中学)と亀田教授がオンラインで対談しました。2020年度の研究室訪問予定がコロナ禍のために中止、2021年度もオンラインによる実施でしたが、『モラルの起源ー実験社会科学からの問い』(岩波新書)を起点に、2時間半にわたり熱心な対談が行われました。

                       灘中学校3年 K.S.

NTU-UT Joint Workshop: Experimental Social Sciences

実験社会科学に関する国際ワークショップを開催しました。台湾大学をはじめとするアジアの諸大学からの研究者たちと3日間に渡る活発な議論が行われました。プログラムはこちらをご覧ください。 Link







"Schur-Concave Risk Aversion and Multi-agent Risks"

本研究は,Arrow-Prattリスク回避測度を包含するSchur-concavityリスク回避測度に着目して,自他の利得が確率的に変動する際のリスク評価を測定する。異なる事象間における利得代替をベースとするSchur-concave risk aversionの概念に基づき,自他の利得差に対する個人の評価と,利得の確率変動に対する評価を分離する方法を提案する。

University of California San Diego・宮腰誠博士セミナー

University of California San Diego, Institute for Neural Computationの宮腰誠博士のセミナーが開催されました。

"I see a solution—an EEG scenery a Japanese post-doc saw in UC San Diego"

I will talk about three topics: future, present, and the past of electroencephalogram (EEG) research. In the first part, I will talk about the future of EEG and electrocorticogram (ECoG) studies from the viewpoint of brain-computer interface (BCI) application. I will introduce a concept, tentatively called “Makoto’s pessimism”, by showing my preliminary observation that dimension reduction using principal component analysis (PCA) to keep 95% of data variance produced only 9/256 dimensions for EEG but as many as 78/137 for ECoG. I will raise a fundamental skepticism whether scalp EEG has sufficient degrees of freedom to represent complexity of mind.
In the second part, I will talk about the present of EEG research. I will first briefly introduce an example of the advanced signal processing on EEG including independent component analysis (ICA) and Multivariate Autoregressive (MVAR) modeling. Next, I will discuss the “Vacation of the ground truth” in EEG research as a fundamental limitation. Although in MRI CuSO4 solution can serve as a ground truth, no simple solution is available for EEG. According to SPM website, fMRI has been used as ‘X-ray of the experimental effect of interest’; EEG has been used as a ‘neural correlate’ to serve a psychologists’ box models as biophysical independent variable whose generative mechanism is unknown/uncared. Because of this limitation, there is always circularity between assumptions of EEG analyses and interpretation of the results, and an issue of relativism across analysis methods and models which produce incommensurability (e.g. what does EEG fractal analysis mean to ERP researchers?) I will mention the current EEG situation as “Adolesc-i-ence”, which means immature and still growing. I will discuss confusion between good science and good engineering, and absence of ground truth cannot be and should not be substituted by signal processing.
In the third part, I will talk about the past of EEG research from my school (i.e., UCSD and/or Scott Makeig). I will discuss that EEG has served to a box model. I will introduce a concept “One-bit information generator”, a device that gives yes-or-no answer to a proposed hypothesis in an experiment. However, using this logic as Popperian Defense, the same analysis routine has been used over half a century in EEG research. I will criticize this situation as evolutionary cul-de-sac, and to overcome it I will emphasize importance of engineering in EEG research. I will introduce ICA, and will discuss how it should relate to the ground truth of EEG -- its specific strengths as well as weaknesses.

University of Goettingen・Tobias Kordsmeyer博士セミナー

University of GoettingenのTobias Kordsmeyer博士のセミナーが開催されました。

"Intra- and Intersexual Selection on Men: Their Relative Importance and Hormonal Underpinnings"

Male competition is an important influence on the distribution of resources, such as mates, food or territory, and has been shown to be more strongly implicated, compared to female mate choice, in sexual selection on men. In two studies, the role of different facets of men’s personality, sexually dimorphic traits and hormones in competitive behaviour and sexual selection was investigated. Firstly, increases in the hormone testosterone (T) have been found after intrasexual competitions and exposure to females. Such T reactivity may also affect relevant personality state changes that are observable to others, whereby exact associations, also under potential buffering effects of Cortisol (C), are unclear. In a preregistered study, we aimed at inducing T increases in young men (N=165) through dyadic intrasexual competitions while exposed to a female experimenter. We investigated self-reported and video-based observer-rated personality state changes, as captured by the Interpersonal Circumplex and social impressions, in relation to hormonal levels. Results revealed increases in competitiveness, dominance and self-assurance, relative to a control group and moderated by T reactivity and partly by TxC interactions. This provides further insights into how hormonal and personality responses to challenges are intertwined in men, and partly supports a role of T in mediating a life history trade-off between mating/competing and parenting, as well as signalling dominance to rivals and potential mates. Secondly, in the same sample of men, we sought to provide further evidence on the effects of men’s physical dominance and sexual attractiveness on mating success and hence in sexual selection. Objective measures and subjective ratings of male sexually dimorphic traits (height, vocal and facial masculinity, upper body size from 3D scans, physical strength, and baseline testosterone) and observer perceptions of physical dominance and sexual attractiveness were assessed and associated with mating success in a partly longitudinal design. Results revealed that physical dominance, but not sexual attractiveness, predicted mating success. Physical dominance mediated associations of upper body size, physical strength, as well as vocal and facial physical dominance and attractiveness with mating success. These findings thus suggest a greater importance of intrasexual competition than female choice in human male sexual selection.

科学研究費基盤(S) ワークショップ「集合行動の認知・神経・生態学的基盤の解明」

科学研究費基盤(S) ワークショップ「集合行動の認知・神経・生態学的基盤の解明」が、福岡県久留米市で開催されました。当日は、松島俊也教授(北海道大学)、大平英樹教授(名古屋大学)、豊川航博士(University of St. Andrews)の講演、大槻久講師(総合研究大学院大学)、犬飼佳吾講師(大阪大学)の指定討論に加え、17名の若手研究者によるポスター発表など、8時間にわたる熱心な研究討議が行われました。当日のプログラム・発表要旨はこちらで見ることができます(PDF)。







北海道大学の小倉有紀子博士が、「社会的促進の神経基盤:行動生態学の視点から」"Neural basis of social facilitation - from behavioral ecology”と題するセミナーを行いました。


高知工科大学の岡野芳隆講師(http://www.manage.kochi-tech.ac.jp/professor/okano.html)が、"Team Behavior and Descriptive Power of the Minimax Hypothesis"と題するセミナーを行いました。

Abstract: We report the results of an experiment comparing team and individual behavior in a two-player zero-sum game and assess the descriptive power of the minimax hypothesis. Tests based on the choice frequencies reveal that the play of teams is largely consistent with the minimax hypothesis in the first half of the experiment, but not in the second half. On the other hand, the play of individuals is inconsistent with the minimax hypothesis in both halves. Furthermore, by using the model selection methods, we select the best model that describes the experimental data among the minimax model, experience-weighted attraction learning model, reinforcement learning model, belief-based learning model, and quantal response equilibrium. The minimax model describes the data best for about half of the decision makers for both teams and individuals. Contrast to the results based on the choice frequencies, the number of teams for which the minimax is the best model is larger in the second half than in the first half, while those numbers of individuals are similar in both halves.

オタゴ大学・Nathan Berg准教授セミナー

ニュージーランド・オタゴ大学経済学部のNathan Berg准教授 (http://www.otago.ac.nz/economics/staff/otago077820.html) が、"Anti-fragility with respect to free riding, or free-ride robustness"と題するセミナーを行いました。

Abstract: Many economists who study public goods games and tragedies of the commons appear to regard the first-best or ideal goal of a social system as designing incentives in such a way as to prevent free riding. In contrast to that view, I consider real-world environments with multiple public goods decisions in which free-riding and near-socially-efficient contribution levels can happily co-exist. I discuss both theoretical mechanisms and empirical data suggesting that free-riding and high rates of contributions to public goods can co-exist, without spiralling to the universal zero-contribution outcome, when embedded in an environment with multiple public goods games, each with their respective contribution decisions. Following Nassim Taleb’s notion of anti-fragile and previous work by Kameda showing that not-so-tragic “tragedies of the commons” are rather widespread in the real world, I consider the prospects for designing environments in ways that nurture near-socially-efficient levels of contributions without trying to eliminate free-riding. Rather the goal, I argue, should be to achieve anti-fragility with respect to free-riding or, equivalently, “free-ride robustness.”



パドヴァ大学・Allessandro Angrilli教授セミナー

イタリア・パドヴァ大学心理学部のAllessandro Angrilli教授(http://ppl.psy.unipd.it/people/Faculty/Angrilli/Angrilli.htm)が当研究室を訪問され、"Psychobiology of empathy and emotions: new approaches and tools"と題するセミナーを行いました。研究技法を中心に、若手を含む活発な意見交換が予定の時間をはるかに超え、3時間にわたり行われました。


(亀田達也代表 H26.10 - H29.9)の支援により、国内の若手・中堅の先端研究者20名が合宿形式で、神経経済学に関わる最新の研究紹介と熱心な議論を行いました。